Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Is Eczema and How Can It Be Treated

Any skin condition can be worrying, not only can it be painful but it can damage your self confidence as well. One of the most common skin conditions that people suffer from is eczema; it can range from mildly uncomfortable to very severe. It can be very frustrating if you have this condition and sometimes even painful. If you do suffer then you will want to know the cause for eczema and what if any are the treatments and cures.

Causes of Eczema can be Hereditary or Environmental

The first thing you need to find out is if the eczema is being caused by the environment or if it is hereditary. When your eczema is caused by environmental reasons or external factors, you could be allergic to many different things that you come into contact with. These could be your shampoo, pollen, dust mites or even mold. Hereditary eczema is when you have inherited the factors which cause you to have eczema. This could be from one or even both of your parents if your family has a history of eczema then it are very likely. In fact there is an eighty percent chance that you will inherit it if both of your parents suffer from the condition.

You will need to speak to your doctor regarding the causes of your eczema; if there is no family history then they will need to look into it further. Your doctor may perform allergy tests to determine if that is causing the condition. Once you have determined the cause of the eczema then you can begin to find a solution and a treatment which will help you to live with the uncomfortable skin condition. If you are simply allergic to things then many can be avoided in your day to day life. Some causes of eczema are difficult to avoid such as smoke and pollution in the environment, in these extreme cases you will need to find a treatment which will help you to live with the problem.

Changes in Clothing and Nutrition Choices May Help

By changing small things in your life you will be able to keep on top of your eczema. Although it will always be there, learning how to control it is the key. By changing what you eat and wear can have huge effects on how you feel. Wool and polyester materials will irate your skin, so try to choose cotton loose clothing. Tight clothing should also be avoided as this will cause your skin to become hot and irritated. Changing your diet can also helps, and once you know which foods to avoid then it will be easier to not include them. Common foods which cause flare ups are milk, soy, shellfish, wheat and peanuts. If these are problem foods with you then you will need to avoid them or at least cut back on them a great deal.

Helping a Child with Eczema

Eczema in children can be difficult as they tend to itch quite a lot, you need to try and keep them as moisturized as possible. This will stop them wanting to itch as much, if you try to explain that if they itch they are in fact doing more damage. Placing your child in a bath of water mixed with oatmeal appears to help with the itching and irritation. It also soothes the skin which will stop your child being uncomfortable and wanting to scratch even more. Thankfully if it is food related then often children grow out of allergies and the triggers might start to diminish as they get older.

Other Eczema Treatment Options

Eczema thrives on dry skin, so you need to ensure that you keep your skin as moisturized as possible throughout the day. There are many creams and lotions you can buy to help with this and doctors often advise covering yourself in Vaseline after taking a shower. This locks all of the moisture into your body and prevents it drying out. Although it is easier said than done you need to try and not scratch, as this will make your eczema worse. If you are concerned about itching through the night them you should try to cover up as much as possible and even wear gloves if you need too.

If you want to find natural alternatives to treating your eczema then there are many ideas that have been used before. Drink plenty of water even up to 3 liters a day, and taking showers daily, will stop you from becoming dehydrated and allowing your skin to dry out. Although it is believed that having hot bathes and showers is bad for your eczema, you should try to take cooler showers if possible. Taking zinc supplements is also advised as these are great for your skin and natural oils have great properties which are good for itchy skin. Exposing your skin to fresh air and sunshine will also help, although if you are self conscious to do this, try and do it somewhere private.

You also need to decide if the harsh chemicals in your washing powders and fragrances could be triggering your eczema. If this is the case then you should only use gentle detergents to wash your clothes in, as these will not irritate your skin. Cheaper varieties tend to affect eczema suffers more and you should try to buy quality detergents if possible. Cheap soaps will also cause your skin to dry out quicker, so if you do use them then ensure you apply moisturizer afterward.

In severe cases your doctor will be able to prescribe drugs to help with your eczema, although this is not the preferred treatment. The drugs will control your body’s immune system and decrease the irritation; you should however try other alternatives as well. Some drugs have side effects and if you can control the condition yourself then it will be better for your body in the long run. You will feel healthier and happier throughout your whole body if you change your diet and lifestyle. Your overall health will be improved and you will boost your immune system.


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